Latest delivery update - 30th Jan

Please note the blog below was written 30th Jan, see the banner above for latest lead times.

James Goodchild, Salty Revolution.

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Current delivery times - latest change 30th Jan


New orders

Most fish currently online are pre-order fo Feb arrival. 95%+ of inverts online are in stock, current stock around 3,000 inverts. 97%+ of corals online are in stock, current stock around 1,500 corals.

Due to extremely high demand new orders from 30th Jan onwards will be for late Feb delivery.

Items awaiting arrival:

Flame angels - 100 on order, expected throughout Feb.

Tridacna Maxima Clams - 90 on order, awaiting permits/documentation expected mid Feb.

Cleaner shrimps (small) - 150 on order, delayed by weather, expected mid Feb.

Cleaner shrimps (med/large/XL) - 80 on order arriving throughout Feb.

Torch corals (only some colours delayed) - Green Torch now all in stock, other colours due in next week.

Firefish - 90 arrived in Jan, 50 more due in the next two weeks.

Green coral gobies - 280 arrived in Jan, 100 more due in 2 weeks.

Pea green/yellow coral gobies - 520 due in Feb.

Pyramid butterflies - 8 arrived in Jan 16 more due in Feb.

Chalice coral - Red & Ktar Orenji in stock - Jelly Bean Chalice - 20 frags due to be cut this week.

Purple tangs - 24 due mid Feb.

Azure damsels - 140 due in mid Feb.

Coral beuties - 45 arrived in Jan, remaining 6 due in 2 weeks.

Sexy shrimps - 200 on order for mid Feb.

Tubeworms - 50 arrived in Jan, more due mid Feb.

Other items

Around 3% of orders are delayed by other items. These are all due to arrive in Feb, mostly the first half of Feb.

Sorry for any delays

Please accept my apologies for any delays. While most people are happy to wait, if you decide you don't wish to wait then please email us and we will cancel your order for you.

James, Salty Revolution.