BLACK FRIDAY is here, and it just got even crazier!

James says:


Absolutely tons of new offers and updates below, and more stuff going on all day! Keep popping back to grab the new deals, and don’t forget to look for those Eagles!


New products and offers are popping up all last night and throughout today!

The mysterious El Presidente at Salty Revolution.

El Presidente says:

Many of the offers will sell out today. I have thought ahead and bought many Camel shrimps, after all they are the ships of the, well, sea ironically. Some offers have sold out already so make sure you get what you wanted as fast as you can today!

The Eagles have landed!

More new Black Friday offers being added all night tonight. Plus see if you can find out Eagle eye offers. There were 5 offers hidden on the website earlier tonight. Each one has an Eagle in the picture. These Eagle eye offers are 90% off the normal price, but, there's only 1 available of each offer. So if you spot one checkout as fast as you can as its only yours if you finish checkout first. You can always add to your order too in case you spot more things later.

I've added 30 new products in the last 24 hours, and there's another 58 new products and packs going online today. Some of the new offers have 50+ in stock, some have only a few, some are only online for a few hours, and a few there is only 1 available. A few of the offers that have been up all week are now sold out or down to the last 1 or 2 left so if there is something you've had your eye on then make sure you get it before it's too late!

Keep an eye on the website and keep checking back so you don't miss out!

WYSIWYG Anemones

HALF PRICE mostly too!