Over 2,000 corals of 200+ different types in stock!

Our biggest ever stock of corals at the moment!

Over 2,000 corals in stock today at Salty Revolution, plus over 1,000 inverts, and 400 marine fish too! 5th December 2021.

“I may have got carried away” said James earlier today.

James at Salty Revolution.

So what’s going on at Salty Revolution this week? - We get the scoop!

“James might be smiling in this photo, but, I doubt he’ll be smiling when Peter catches up with him” said our secret source at Salty Revolution HQ.

“It was crazy, there was just box after box after box turning up! There was so many boxes of corals arriving we were running out of space to put the boxes down! It was crazy!” said our secret ma on the inside.

“One minute I was talking to James about whether it was possible to build a house out of custard, you know, just normal stuff, and then all of a sudden all these boxes started turning up and James just vanished like Mr. Ben!” said our pudding obsessed source.

UK retail guru Mr Ben, renowned worldwide for his international chain of 800 fancy dress shops.

Who is Mr Ben?

Younger readers may not be familiar with Mr Ben, but he was a leading figure in UK retail in the 1970’s. Mr Ben made his billions primarily in the global fancy dress business. Starting from his garage with only one cowboy hat, his business quickly grew, and by the mid 70’s he owned nearly one whole side of Oxford Street in London. From there he went from strength to strength, eventually opening over 800 fancy dress shops worldwide.

By the mid 1980’s Fancy Dress Fever as it was known at the time had a firm grip on Britain. Gone were the traditional suits, and replaced by superhero costumes, spacemen, and other such novelties. By the late 80’s it had spiralled out of control. Companies were struggling to maintain order in company boardrooms as Cowboys and Indians were engaged in cap gun shoot outs over the board room table. In June of 1989 it was feared Tower Bridge may collapse under the weight of over 400 people dressed as Spiderman all tried climbing it at once.

Local firefighter Nigel said at the time “It was chaos! Then 200 Batmen with 80 Robins turned up and a full scale riot ensued. We were forced to try and jet the Spidermen off the bridge with hoses, but, it was hopeless. Try as a might to get them down it was really hard to hold the hose and my Tomahawk at the same time. Eventually my feather headdress got wet and I went home to have a little cry.” said Nigel.

In the end the government had to send the army in to maintain order. As soon as a team of SAS troops parachuted in all dressed as famed spider-eater Old Mother Hubbard, the Spiderman all ran away. By luick would have it the Batmen and Robins fled too, probably also fearful of “ending up inside her”.

At the peak of the craze it is estimated that Britons spent as much as 12% of their income on fancy dress hire. Then as swiftly as it began it all came to a grinding halt. Mr Ben vanished without trace (an ability he was famed for), and in the end the government had to use bulldozers to bury the vast piles of discarded fancy dress costumes.

Did Peter catch him?

It’s not known for certain whether Peter finally managed to catch up with James or not, but, James was seen limping around the shop on Saturday so our guess is he got him in the end. There was rumours on Friday that James may have injured his foot in an unrelated incident, with some sources claiming at the time that James was trying to make his own indoor ice skating rink using tinned custard, but, this was fiercely denied by Salty Revolution spokesmen.

Why did James get so many corals in we all wondered.

When we finally caught up with a limping James we asked him why he had decided to get so many corals in he simply said “Dunno really. It just seemed like a good idea at the time.” A philosphy which has got James into trouble previously. I think we all remember what happened with all the mustard and onions a few weeks ago.

There were far too many corals for us to get photos of them all, but here are photos of some of them, and some anemones too.

James was very keen to point out that you can (and should) snap up as many corals as you can right now using this button:

UK delivery still just £10 at the moment.

The mysterious El Presidente, but, who is he?

El Presidente? Who is he?

No one knows for sure who is the man behind the beard. Despite endless scrutiny by world experts as yet no one knows for sure who this mysterious president may really be. Find out what little we do know about El Presidente, and why most experts agree that El Presidente will be this year’s hot topic in coral groups worldwide.