Salty Revolution new Winter edition Coral food 99

Salty Revolution Coral food 99 - special Winter edition


With extra Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin, but, in these shorter and darker days of winter, you don’t get as much Vitamin D as during the long, bright, summer days. In the UK we might be used to coping with these long dark winters, but, your corals come from the warm sunlit waters of the tropics, they’re used to 12 long hours of dazzling bright sunshine pretty much day after day. Oh no, poor corals!

Don’t panic, help is at hand, with the all new Salty Revolution Coral Food 99, Winter edition! With our special Winter edition we’ve added extra vitamin D to make up for these short, dark, and gloomy, winter days (we’ve made a few other tweaks for winter too).

So put some D in your spot where the sun doesn’t shine with all the all new Salty Revolution Coral Food 99 - Winter edition!