Wrasses are a great choice for the home aquarium.

Wrasses are the most diverse of all fish families.

Out of the 13,000 species of fishes found on coral reefs, 600 of those are wrasses, and 10-20 new species of wrasses are discovered each year! From the tiny Wetmorella wrasses at just 2” long, to the truly giant Napoleon wrasses which can reach close to the size of adult bison, they are a very diverse group.

Useful roles in a reef aquarium.

Wrasses perform many useful roles in a reef aquarium. From burying in the sand to eating a wide range of common pests.

Burying at night

Most wrasses bury in the sand at night helping to keep the sand turned over. They often slow their breathing to just 1 gill beat per 20 minutes or so. This keeps them safe from predators such as stingrays which can hone in on the electrical pulses within fishes bodies.

Pest control

The main benefit of having wrasses is for pest control. They will eat many common aquarium pests such as; flatworms, bristleworms, and, nudibranches. This is a huge benefit in a reef aquarium. Flatworms can sometimes grow rapidly in numbers irritating corals, if there are no wrasses to eliminate them. Most bristleworms are mostly harmless, but, larger species mat attack and kill small inverts, and I’ve often seen them attack and kill small fish such as Gobies too. Nudibranches eat corals, so they are a very real threat to your coral collection. Having a wrasse or two in a tank eliminates all these problems.

A spa for your fish

Some wrasses also help tend to your fish. Despite it being a commonly held view Cleaner wrasses won’t cure Whitespot, Ich, or Brookynella, etc. However, they do eat some kinds of fish flukes, and many species of wrasses will tidy up damaged fish and scales, and pick clean any wounds on other fish too.

Currently in stock

Let’s take a closer look at the 10 species of wrasses currently in stock.

Isosceles fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus isosceles).

Isosceles fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus isosceles).

Only discovered in 2016, and it’s easy to see why it’s in so much demand. This peaceful wrasse species reaches just 3”, and is ideal for small reef tanks, and even mid sized nano tanks.

Ruby longfin fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubeus).

Ruby longfin fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubeus).

This picture really doesn’t do it justice. The flamboyant displays of this small, reef safe, and peaceful wrasse, adds spectacular movement to the aquarium.

Red coris wrasse (Coris gaimard).

Red coris wrasse (Coris gaimard).

This spectacular wrasse goes through many dramatic colour changes in it’s life. They can quickly reach 18”+ though so are only suitable for very large home aquariums, preferably in the 1,000 to 3,000 litre range.

Basket wrasse (Halichoeres hortulanus).

Basket wrasse (Halichoeres hortulanus).

The other large wrasse species in stock, and one of the largest Halichoeres species. Again as with the Red coris wrasse above, it goes through many colour changes in it’s life. Often reaching well over a foot long, again this is a species for the larger home aquarium wanting a tank size of 1,000 litres or more. Unlike most of the other species of wrasses in stock which are happy in tanks of 200 litres, or less.

Leucurus wrasse (Halichoeres leucurus).

Leucurus wrasse (Halichoeres leucurus).

A truly spectacular wrasse for the home aquarium. We have two full size 5” adult males in stock. The unsual cyan colour in the tail is particularly striking in the two in stock. Although discovered in 1792 this is a species very rarely available in the UK. We’ve been importing these for many years now, but, despite our best efforts we typically only get 4-8 per year. An exceptionally striking fish and very much highly recommended!

Nebulosus wrasse (Halichoeres nebulosus).

Nebulosus wrasse (Halichoeres nebulosus).

One of the smaller Halichoeres wrasses, reaching only around 4” when fully grown. Not as spectacular as some of the other wrasses in stock, but, it has a certain charm, and does a useful role. Gets on well with other small to medium sized wrasses, and other typical reef fish. This is a female, eventually it will turn male and gain a pleasant green tinge. An ideal wrasse for those wanting something a bit more unusual in their aquarium.

Black leopard wrasse (Macropharyngodon negrosensis).

Black leopard wrasse (Macropharyngodon negrosensis).

A very attractive reef fish, ideal for small to medium reef tanks. Excellent for pest control, and more can be added to form a group too. A very nice fish with plenty of character.

Striated wrasse (Pseudocheilinus evanidus).

Striated wrasse (Pseudocheilinus evanidus).

A relative of the infamous Sixline wrasse, but, unlike the highly aggressive Sixline, this species is very peaceful. Excellent pest control, for even small nano tanks. Absolutely tons of character.

Severnsi pencil wrasse (Pseudojuloides severnsi).

Severnsi pencil wrasse (Pseudojuloides severnsi).

My top pick of all the wrasses in stock, and one of my top ten favourite fish of all. Only discovered in 2000 this truly spectacular wrasse reaches just 4”, and is the centrepiece of any marine tank. Absolutely jaw dropping colour, with an unusual swimming style too. Very highly recommended indeed!

Splendens pencil wrasse (Pseudojuloides splendens).

Splendens pencil wrasse (Pseudojuloides splendens).

Another recent discovery, only being described in 2017. We import quite a few of these, but, I very rarely see any others being imported into the UK apart from the ones we get. An awesome fish, and one of the very few fish that are green and reef safe. A real rarity for any wrasse collector, and the star of virtually every tank they live in. Highly recommended.

Click the button below to find out more on these fish, and all our other fish in stock.

New lower prices!

We had a major restructure on pricing this week, with three quarters of everything we sell being permanently lowered in price. This has been possible due to much larger bulk ordering getting us much better prices. This allows us to pass the savings straight onto you, and is due to the massive amount of support and rapidly increasing volume of customers over the last few months. It’s incredible how much busier we are now compared to previously. Most items have been reduced in price by 20% - 50%, which is a fantastic saving for all of you too. We really appreciate the huge surge in trade, mainly from recommendations, from so many happy customers. Thanks everyone for all the extra people you’ve brought over to ordering from us.

Viva la revolucion!
