Rainbow bubble tip anemones, from £30 each.

Rainbow bubble tip anemones care advice

Bubble tip anemones can be an excellent host for small clownfish. The clowns prefer to host in larger anemones, so if you want your clowns to move in, the larger the anemone is, the sooner they are likely to make it their home. You can get a small one, and wait for it to grow, but, as with many things in life, bigger is more satisfying!

Even if you don’t have any clowns, they are still an attractive addition to the reef aquarium, and can be happily kept in tanks as small as 50 litres.

Unlike their larger green cousins, Rainbow bubble tips are colonial. So once they get to a few inches across they will split and then you will have 2 anemones. This will in time become a small group. Before you know it, you can end up with quite a few, and selling any surplus ones can be a good way to fund your aquarium.

These ones were captive bred in Norfolk by Joyce.