We are taking a limited number of orders for pre-Christmas delivery - But, the checkout is switched off, so here is how to order.

The checkout is switched off, but, you can still order

I’ve switched off the checkout screen for the time being, so that we don’t get swamped with too many pre-Christmas orders. But, we are still taking some orders. Here is how to order, and what options are available.

Add to my existing order - Time limits for this.

If you already have items on order you can add to that order. For most orders the deadline to do this is 11:59pm Monday (11th December). All people with existing orders can do this at the moment.

New orders for arrival by post on Thursday 14th Dec - No spaces left

No spare spaces now.

New orders for collect from store on 23rd Dec - 2 spaces

Most of the spaces for collect from store on 23rd December are either already allocated to people collecting, or, being held in reserve for people with existing orders that might want to switch to this option later, but, I am taking 2 more new orders for collect from store on 23rd Dec.

New orders for delivery after 10th Jan - 200+ spaces available, not likely to run out.

You can order now and get 40% off for delivery in January. If you have existing orders for pre-Christmas delivery they will still arrive pre-Christmas, it’s only new orders on this option that will be January. It won’t delay delivery of your existing orders.

How to order

  • Add your items to cart as usual.

  • Email me a screenshot of your basket to: jamesgoodchild@live.com (put ORDER in the title of the email so it’s easier for me to find it).

  • If spaces are still available. If all spaces are taken then I’ll let you know you are too late instead.

  • If spaces are available I’ll reserve a space for you then I’ll then create a draft order and send you my bank details so you can pay by bank transfer.

  • Once you’ve paid email me to let me know.

  • I’ll then make the draft order live, and you will get a copy of the order arrive by email as normal, and the order will be in your account screen just like any other order, showing all the items purchased and the amount paid etc.

  • If it hasn’t been paid within 24 hours then I’ll clear the draft order off the system and free the space up for someone else.

  • If it’s adding to an existing order, then I’ll attach it at this end. If it’s a new order then I’ll email you to confirm your chosen delivery date/collection.

Please note:

There are only a limited number of spaces available, and we almost always get a flurry of people wanting to order close to deadline, or, after deadline. Generally it will be too late, so it’s best to get the order in early.

Stock isn’t allocated until the order goes live, so if you create an order but then delay paying you might find someone snaps those items up in the meantime. I try to keep stock allocated in case, but, it’s best to pay straight away so you don’t miss anything (especially WYSIWYG’s).