Delivery update - all items and all orders - and other news too. 🙂

Delivery update - all items and all orders

and other news too. 🙂

Finally some normality returns!

Hi everyone,

I’m pleased to say that after several weeks of disruption, things are finally pretty much back to normality again. Thanks for all your support and patience, it’s been very much appreciated. Right, on with the delivery news.

I’m going to try and keep it short (not my strong point), because I’ve got fragging and stuff to do!


  • There’s currently around 418 live orders from around 80 people live on the system.

  • A few of those are going out this week, and they have already been emailed today.

  • Around 20-30 more deliveries will go out next week, and emails to book those will go out this week, and early next week.

  • Around 20-30 more deliveries will go out the week after, and I’ll email those nearer the time.

  • There are also a few others which will be slotted in amongst that as stuff comes in etc.

  • Sorry for the delays on order, although we are running behind (as usual), at the moment there’s only about 80 boxes to go out in total between this week and the next two, and we often send more than that in 1 week so it shouldn’t take long to get them out.

  • That will clear up pretty much every coral order, all dry goods orders, and the majority of invert orders too.

  • I’ve cleared 250 emails today, I still have about 200 to go, but, about half of those are general enquiries and not from people that have ordered yet. As always please wait for me to email you because answering emails eats a large amount of time each day. As soon as I allocate a delivery slot I usually let people know as I allocate it, so as soon as I know a date, you will too.

Items by category

  • Soft corals - Most soft corals are all in stock apart from some leathers and 2 colours of Zoas I think (I think we’re just waiting for Fake Lime Chillis & Rastas now, oh and some colours of clove polyps). The vast majority of orders are for soft corals, and the vast majority of those are already in stock, or arriving shorly.

  • LPS - Most LPS should be in next week, and the vast majority of the rest the week after.

  • SPS - This will mostly go out next week, a few will be the week after. Apart from sometimes Purple Monti, & Forest fire Digi’s which should be enough in for orders, everything else they’ll be surplus to spare.

  • Inverts - There aren’t many invert orders, and they are mostly small orders. There are a few in stock now (all sold), the rest should be here week after next in the main.

  • Fish - There’s only a handful of people with fish on order, and I think I’ve spoken to all of you in the last few weeks at some point.

  • Dry Goods- I think all the people that only had dry goods on order have all now been sent, and the rest is in stock and ready to go out in the boxes. We’ve got stock to spare on all of it too apart from filter wool, but, more should be here next week.

Thank you

Thanks again for all your patience and help I really appreciate it everyone.

Ok that’s the delivery section covered, let’s take a brief look at some of the other news.


There’ll be a few web changes coming up over the next few days to make it look a bit neater and make it easier to find your way around.

Marine ID charts

I’ll be adding some marine ID charts over the next few weeks, because I recently did one for the new Guppy website (see below) and they don’t take long to do. So that’s pretty cool :)

All the new corals that went online last week have been quite popular, and a few have sold out already, and quite a few others have taken a hammering on the numbers too, especially the Goni frags. I think all colours are still available, but, most colours only a couple of each left now.

You can see all the latest new arrivals HERE

We also had in a load of Zoas over the weekend, quite a lot for orders, but, spare stock on at least 10 colours. They’ll be going online later tonight. Zoas are always popular so they might not be online long!

In between everything else I’ve also been working on the new Guppy Revolution website and the first page of that went up a few days ago, I’ve now added an ID guide and a few other things. Guppy Revolution should be up and running within the next 3 weeks.

There isn’t much to do tbh, I’ve basically just got to pump the saltwater out of a couple of systems that have been sitting idle anyway, fill them up with RO, add some pond baskets, and put Guppies in the pond baskets. It’s less work than when we strip a system to reset it. Other than I have to add them to the Guppy Revolution website, which is less work than when I do a batch of WYSIWYG corals. So far I’m 50% of the way to it being operational and it’s took about 20 hours work, another 20 hours over the next couple of weeks and it’ll be running.

Then they’ll be a few Guppies people can buy in a couple of weeks, but, for the next few months it’ll mostly be a case of picking up Guppies (mostly from UK breeders) whilst we are out doing hand delivery runs. Some we’ll source from UK breeders going forward, and some we’ll breed in store, and at some point I’ll import some of the ones that I haven’t been able to get in the UK.

We’ll be carrying quite large stocks of them as they pop out babies a lot faster than most of the corals we farm! All the Guppies online will be in stock and sent out by post within 7 days. Most of the corals will also be on delivery within 7 days shortly too.

Here’s a few pics of some of my favourite ones 🙂

And the ID chart I made showing 88 types so far.

You can see all the species in the chart on larger images HERE

You can take a look at the Guppy Revolution home page HERE

I’m pleased to say this seem to get sorted out very quickly once the police started going round knocking on a few of their doors. If you do see anyone trolling people (whether it’s me or anyone else) please click the comment and report it. It only takes a couple of mouse clicks to do it, and if 3 or 4 people do it they’ll often get a Facebook ban for 7-28 days. No one wants these people going around harassing people like that and the hobby will be a lot better for everyone if they are pushed out of our groups etc.

And finally, just in case anyone missed it I am hoping to move shops in the summer. I’ll be staying in Mildenhall though. This shops does look quite nice instead (well, when it’s tidy anyway), but, the new one will be even more themed inside than this one. As I’ll be able to do all the really whacky bits that last time were vetoed by Dale lol.

And finally

Thanks again for all your support over the last few weeks, and so many of you continuing to place orders etc, it’s very much appreciated.

James (& Tik Tok, who is currently asleep under the desk having stuffed himself full of roast beef lol).