New! - Our new range of ECOSYSTEM Reefbuilder coral packs

New! - Our new range of ECOSYSTEM Reefbuilder coral packs

These are the first six packs of our new ECOSYSTEM Reefbuilder packs. These packs are the core of our new system of coral packs. There will be lots of different addon packs coming over the next few months which are designed so that you build upon these core packs. This new system of packs will over the next few months replace all current coral packs onto this 1 system. I’ll also later be adding new invert packs designed to fit into this same system, which will then also replace all current invert packs too.

All of these packs are standard stock items so will be on a quicker delivery time of 7-21 days. Most of the frags in these packs we farm ourselves in store.

Here are the 6 packs that form the core of our new system of coral packs:

To find out more click HERE