Mini Zoa gardens are back in tow, and start at just £20 each!

They're back!

Mini Zoa gardens live from Salty revolution HQ!

Here’s a short live video we shot only a few hours ago. Have a look and see how cool they are!

El Presidente's Mini Zoa Gardens, from just £20.

Create an oasis fit for El Presidente with these Mini Zoa Gardens! You too can recreate a refreshing garden of delights to refresh your weary soul by gazing upon your wondrous garden of Zoas!

I've divided them up by colour (ish). There are 3 kinds. Pick a colour and you'll get one like that fir £20. There's a few extra nice ones which you pick a colour and get one like it for £30. And then 4 WYSIWYG ones where you get the actual in the photo at various prices.

These are just some of the 61 new El Presidente mini Zoa gardens I made today 🙂

The £20 each options are:

Mostly green
Mostly red
Greeny Browny things
Pinkish / red things
Assorted colours.

The £30 options are:

Mostly green extra nice
Mostly red extra nice
Assorted colours extra nice

Please note these are not WYSIWYG listings so your coral may be different to the ones pictured. However they will be just as good! The WYSIWYG options are below, these are much larger pieces.

The WYSIWYG options are:

La Catedrale £40
Escobar beach £60
Super bright blurry pic £40
Chunky monkey £60

Here are some more photos!